The countdown is on...one week until the big day. So these last few weeks you would think that I've been busy cleaning my house and organizeing baby stuff right? Wrong. I somehow decided that I had to SEW baby burp cloths and changing pads!
I couldn't help myself. I saw lots of ADORABLE things on Etsy that I really wanted, but alas my budget does not allow for such frivolous spending! So off the the fabric store I went (with coupons of course) and purchased fabric to make my own. NOw don't look to closely b/c you will see my seams are not straight, but other than that, I think they are pretty darn cute. They are fun to make as well. I can't wait for people I know to get pregnant so I can make cute little baby gifts!
Now, with a week to go I had better get cleaning!!
Nice job...those are super cute-and the pictures are great to boot!!! Good job Jamie!! I can't wait to get pregnant so you can make me some too :)