Monday, March 30, 2009


The countdown is week until the big day. So these last few weeks you would think that I've been busy cleaning my house and organizeing baby stuff right? Wrong. I somehow decided that I had to SEW baby burp cloths and changing pads!

I couldn't help myself. I saw lots of ADORABLE things on Etsy that I really wanted, but alas my budget does not allow for such frivolous spending! So off the the fabric store I went (with coupons of course) and purchased fabric to make my own. NOw don't look to closely b/c you will see my seams are not straight, but other than that, I think they are pretty darn cute. They are fun to make as well. I can't wait for people I know to get pregnant so I can make cute little baby gifts!

Now, with a week to go I had better get cleaning!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Could I get any bigger??

Why yes, yes I can because these pictures were taken almost 3 weeks ago! And I am bigger! Walking is becoming a chore, nevermind trying to roll over in bed! But, I'm going to stay postivive because this is my last pregnancy after all.

I've had a few people ask me if I'm carrying twins...really twins? No, there is just one in there.

P.S. the photos are terrible but you get the picture

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Snips 'n Snails and Puppy dog tails...

So, I've finally started to gather my baby things and get ready for the arrival of Baby E as we like to call him at our house. This whole boy thing is new to me and I am rather starting to like it! Although, I will admit that shopping for a baby girl is a bit more exciting. I've found some pretty cute things though and after several months, I no longer head straight for the girls department!