Seriously, it's really no fun at all. I'm not sure what is more difficult..parting with my money (I've become
incredibly cheap er frugal that is) or being forced to look at myself in those
awful dressing room mirrors.
I went to Old Navy to replenish my supply of t-shirts. Every year the material gets thinner and thinner. Seriously, pretty soon I'll have to layer like 3 of them!
I then went to the mall and found an amazing purse at Macy's--I'm in love, but unfortunately it's a bit $$$. I'm thinking of returning everything else and getting this purse. THen I'll have a kick-a$$ purse but nothing to wear. I'm really think I'm due for a new purse current purse is a 50 cent find a church rummage sale! Oh well, I'll keep dreaming.
Of course when I got home, I began to have second thoughts about my purchases and in true Jamie fashion, half of them will be returned!